Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ About Robotic-Assisted Surgery

Robotic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure characterised by smaller incisions compared to traditional open surgeries. This leads to reduced blood loss during the surgery, less postoperative pain, and a faster recovery.

The precision of robotic instruments results in a more controlled and less disruptive procedure, leading to reduced blood loss.

Robotic surgeries are considered safe, offering reduced tissue damage and a lower risk of infection over the long term.

No, a robot does not independently perform the surgery. Surgeons undergo extensive training to control the robot’s movements. The surgeon’s hands guide the robot’s arms during the procedure, enabling precise movements within the human body.

One of the advantages of robotic surgery is its minimally invasive nature, which leads to significantly less postoperative pain.

Robotic consoles feature high-definition cameras that provide surgeons with a clearer view of the abdomen and pelvis. The 3-dimensional view enhances depth perception. Additionally, robotic instruments offer better control and more precise movements than laparoscopy, making tasks like suturing easier to perform.

FAQ About Laparoscopy in Infertility

Laparoscopy aids in diagnosing various fertility-affecting conditions, including:
– Endometriosis
– Blocked fallopian tubes
– Fibroids
– Reproductive system abnormalities

Laparoscopic surgery is suggested after other infertility tests or if symptoms/scans warrant it.

A dye is injected through the cervix, and tube filling and dye spillage are observed.

Laparoscopy confirms tubal blockage. If confirmed, a procedure can be performed to clear the blockage, increasing the chances of natural pregnancy.

Fibroids distorting the womb cavity or lining hinder pregnancy and often require surgical removal for improved success rates.

Endometriosis is tissue similar to the womb lining found elsewhere, causing infertility. Laparoscopy diagnoses and treats it by removing cysts and spots, and releasing adhesions.

Post-surgery pain is normal and managed with prescribed painkillers. After identifying and treating the cause, your fertility doctor will advise further treatment based on thediagnosis.